St. Paul, Minnesota
October 16, 1999
In Canada, can hemp live up to the hype
By Bob von Sternberg
During the summer just past, the tabletop-flat countryside of southern Ontario was bursting with
towering, spike-leafed plants, making it look for all the world like the biggest, most brazen pot
farm in North America. It's the second year of Canada's pioneering attempt to see whether
industria hemp -- marijuana's genetic cousin -- can become a lucrative new crop for its struggling farmers.
And if Gov. Jesse Ventura gets his way, that scene will be
re-created in Minnesota. Ventura has asked the federal government to give Minnesota the green light to become the first state where
industrial hemp could be legally grown.
"It's ridiculous that we're not expanding something that could be
of tremendous value to society," Ventura said in an interview. "It's a
great alternative product that can do things so much better than what we use now."
But an examination of the Canadian hemp industry's brief record reveals the fact that the
experience hasn't lived up to the hype that preceded legalization.
Despite opponents' warnings that growing hemp would spark an
explosion in growing still-illegal marijuana, Canadian officials say that simply hasn't happened. And even though hemp's
advocates predicted the new crop could become the economic salvation for
farmers, that also hasn't happened. Not yet, anyway.
"Everyone thought this would be a godsend, but it hasn't worked out that way," said Bob
L'Ecuyer, general manager of Kenex Ltd., the Chatham, Ontario, firm that is Canada's biggest hemp
operation. "People go into this thinking it's the best thing since sliced bread,
but if you've got no one to sell to, it's not worth anything."
Hemp farmers quickly discovered it's not enough to grow a new crop that has remarkably diverse
uses if markets and a processing infrastructure don't exist -- a reality that has not been lost on
Minnesota officials.
"Once you grow it, where is it going to go?" asked Kevin
Edberg, head of marketing for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. "The
processing infrastructure all has to be built from scratch. That's its
Achilles' heel, but also an opportunity."
Markets for hemp don't exist for the simple reason that during
most of the 20th century, it was illegal to grow, sell or even possess
it in Canada and the United States.
In the grip of the "reefer madness" days of the Depression, the
U.S. government banned the cultivation of cannabis in 1937; Canadian officials followed suit a year later.
But neither country made a distinction between marijuana and
industrial hemp. They are virtually indistinguishable varieties of cannabis – except for their tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content, the
component that produces a dope smoker's high. While marijuana contains
THC levels as high as 20 percent, industrial hemp normally has far less than 1 percent. A person is as likely to get high by
smoking hemp as by smoking the newsprint this story is printed on.
In other words, rope -- not dope, as hemp advocates are fond of
Many uses
Hemp has a storied history, going back more than 8,000 years, when it was first cultivated. It has
been used to make as many as 25,000 products, turned into everything from rope and ships' sails to
painters' canvasses and paper. The first pair of Levi's jeans was made
from hemp; so was (apocryphally) the first U.S. flag sewn by Betsy Ross and the parchment on which the U.S. Constitution
was printed.
Hemp has been legally grown throughout Europe for years, and Canadian agricultural officials
estimate the world market to be as much as $200 million a year. Contemporary uses include
everything from cosmetics to car door panels.
The push to legalize the plant developed during the '70s as
something of a sideline to the push to legalize smokable marijuana, but in recent years the effort has been pushed hardest by farm
advocates seeking to diversify farmers' crop mixes -- which has made legislators in both Canada
and the United States more receptive to the idea.
Ventura said he became interested in hemp during his days as a talk-radio host, when hemp
advocates made their pitch to him, filling his mailbox with such hemp-based products as paper and
clothing. He endorsed the plant's legalization during his gubernatorial campaign
last year and kept pushing once in office.
"Once I was governor, I looked at the state's agricultural situation and all the problems farmers are
having," he said. "With production going down the tubes, they need the ability to diversify
the crops they plant."
That was the rationale offered by Canadian farmers when they began their campaign on behalf of
hemp in the early 1990s. The effort was pioneered by Geof Kime, an Ontario farmer who wrangled
permission from the government to plant test plots starting in 1994 with the hope
of "reviving a sustainable, job-creating crop that could be grown without pesticides."
He did exactly that, although it took four years of lobbying to
persuade federal officials to legalize hemp. When they did so, they erected a dense regulatory web to ensure that hemp growing didn't
spawn an illicit marijuana industry.
All hemp farmers are required to undergo a criminal-records check, and officials of Health Canada,
the federal health department, decided that the maximum allowable THC concentration in hemp
would be 0.3 percent. Anything above that is illegal; the department conducts
random checks of THC levels, as do Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers.
"Occasionally people have tried to get around the THC levels, but it hasn't been a huge problem,"
said Health Canada spokesman Eric Morin. During the first two growing seasons, there have been so
few busts for growing marijuana that "it's a problem that's statistically
insignificant," he said.
Meanwhile, production has exploded. In 1998, 259 farmers
harvested about 6,175 acres of hemp, mostly in Ontario and Manitoba. This year, 674 farmers harvested more than 35,000 acres, a nearly
sixfold increase.
"It's given us one hell of a glut of grain and fiber," said
L'Ecuyer, whose firm harvested nearly 2,200 acres of hemp this year.
"There's been a major overestimation of the market that's out there."
L'Ecuyer's firm has set up its own processing facility because of the void that existed when the crop
was legalized. It is selling fiber to auto manufacturers, who use hemp fiber as a replacement for
fiberglass. "We're starting to make decent inroads into a lot of
different markets," he said. "Realize when we started, there was nothing at all in North America – no harvesting equipment, no
Government red tape remains a headache for hemp farmers, "but
that's more a glut of paperwork than anything," L'Ecuyer said.
Yet for all the problems, "it's a great rotation crop," he said. "You can substitute it for practically any
crop. You don't need chemicals, you don't get weeds, it does a great job of aerating the
soil." On a per-acre basis, it nets farmers more income than either corn or soybeans, traditional staple crops.
Waiting to hear
That's music to the ears of hemp's advocates in Minnesota, who are waiting to hear from federal
drug officials whether they can undertake test plantings as early as next year. "This is not a panacea
for farmers, but it's not a wild-eyed hairy idea either," Edberg said.
Department officials have no idea how many farmers might undertake hemp farming if it becomes legal, he said.
"It's not going to be the salvation of all farmers, but it should
be an alternative that's available to them," Ventura said.
With the Legislature's blessing, Ventura last month asked the Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA) to allow hemp cultivation -- something the agency has consistently refused to do because officials
have called it a subterfuge for efforts to legalize marijuana.
DEA officials have not responded to Ventura's request that
would-be hemp farmers apply for permits through the state Board of Pharmacy and the DEA. Last month, a DEA official said that if the
agency changes its policy, it probably would require farmers to post bonds of as much as $1,000 an acre to
pay for government seizure and burning of hemp that crosses the 0.3 percent THC threshold. As in
Canada, hemp growers probably would have to pay license fees for criminal-background checks
and government inspections.
Pressure on the DEA to alter its prohibition of hemp isn't only coming from Minnesota; pro-hemp laws
also were enacted this year in North Dakota, Nebraska and Hawaii.
"We need to expand the use of this instead of the DEA running its
unwinnable war on drugs," Ventura said. "We're trying to create a viable product here -- what's the Constitution written on?
Hemp. It was a viable product in this country for 200 years, but no longer.
That's ridiculous."
But DEA officials' actions show they remain wary of hemp. A few weeks ago, they seized 40,000
pounds of birdseed at a border crossing in Detroit -- birdseed produced by Kenex that consisted of
processed hemp.
"We haven't gotten the seed back," L'Ecuyer said. "But that put us in the news all over the
St. Paul, Minnesota
October 14, 1999
Hemp's history
6500 B.C. -- First harvested in central Asia
4500 B.C. -- Wild hemp domesticated in China
2700 B.C. -- Included in pharmacopoeia of Shen Nung, Chinese medical pioneer
450 B.C. -- Greek historian Herodotus reports that Scythians throw hemp seeds on heated stones and inhale the smoke
5 B.C. -19th century -- Used in 90 percent of ships' canvas sails, rigging and nets
15th-20th centuries -- Used in artists' canvases
16th-18th centuries -- Major fiber crop in Russia, Europe and North America
1606 -- French botanist plants first N. American hemp crop in Nova Scotia
1870 -- U.S. Pharmacopoeia lists cannabis as medicine
1937 -- U.S. prohibits cannabis cultivation
1938 -- Canada bans cannabis cultivation
1940s -- U.S. and Canadian governments lift cultivation bans to assist
war effort
1998 -- Canada legalizes hemp production and sale
1999 -- Minnesota asks federal gov. permission to conduct hemp cultivation tests
Among the reported 25,000 commercial and industrial uses for hemp:
Insulation, particleboard, fiberboard
Rope, twine, yarn
Methanol, heating oil
Horse stable bedding, compost
Salad oil, pharmaceuticals, soaps
Diapers, newsprint, cardboard, filters, absorbent paper
Clothing, carpets, curtains, upholstery
Paint, ink